Friday 25 January 2013

Developing for Mobile OS Sailfish features with Hands on Video on Nokia N950. Whats all the fuss about new upcoming mobile OS 'Sailfish' from Jolla?

Are you guys ready to know about features and design of developing for Mobile OS Sailfish,which is expected to be released in the first quarter of the 2013. As we have heard, 'Sailfish' was on a tested Nokia N950. Sailfish, Jolla insists, will become a legitimate alternative to the Coke and Pepsi of smartphone platforms: Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. Well that's a big comment, looks like Jolla has found some 'secret ingredient'. But right now Jolla is very secretive about the Sailfish so the best features of the OS is kept a secret before release.

Thursday 24 January 2013

The supreme forces of the universe - Dark matter & Dark energy. Why 95.4% of the universe is 'invisible' ?

The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) by reading the cosmic microwave background( CMB ) determined that only 4.6% of the total mass-energy constituent of the universe is made of ordinary atoms or baryons( made of neutrons, protons and electrons). 

From the very moment of the big bang till today, some of the visible stuffs that our universe has manifested like dust, gas, planets, stars, galaxies, you and me only accounts for 4.6% of universe. The 95% of the energy density in the universe is in a form that has never been directly detected in the laboratory or was unknown.

What about the rest of the universe ?

Why gravity only attracts but, doesn't repel? How it came into existence? How it has influence over such large distances? How gravity truly works?

What is cosmic microwave background? What is the face of god looks like? What is the 1st light in the universe?

When you are looking at the sky, you can see a lots of starts shining. But as you see them, you are actually looking at the past, not the present. Sounds confusing. isn't it?

What is gravitational lens or gravitational lensing?

Gravity is nothing but, a curve in the space-time. 

So try to imagine that what happens when light travels trough space around a massive object lets say a galaxy.

What is Redshift? Why is it useful to Astronomers?

'Redshift'  is the phenomenon of of the light changing it's color or light shifting it's position in visible spectrum of light.

What is Supersymmetry and how it's related to WIMPs? How do the particles get their masses ?

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Blackholes - The masters of the universe

Black hole - from an artist's point of view
Black holes are one of the most powerful and weird developments of our universe. Black holes can consume anything in the universe, starting from stars to entire galaxies. Even light can not escape it. 

Monday 17 December 2012

Supernovae - The most important piece of puzzle to our universe

"After" and "Before" real images of a supernova by NASA
One of the most energetic and explosive events in the entire universe is known as a supernova. Supernovae are extremely luminous and cause a burst of radiation that can briefly outshine an entire galaxy.

For a better understanding, please go through this post - How stars work ?

This event occur at the end of a star's ( particularly big sized stars = minimum mass 8 times that of the sun ) lifetime, when its nuclear fuel runs out, the star unable to provide necessary resisting force towards the gravity, gravity crushes the star and it's core to itself. Gravity does this so strongly that even the atoms crush together, making the core more and more unstable and intense so at certain point the energy building up overcomes gravity and causes a blast of shock-wave that ejects the star's envelope into interstellar space.

Sunday 16 December 2012

The next generation house - can be assembled in any environment, can be modified easily, uses highly recyclable materials, can be disassembled easily and moved to a new location and Eco-friendly.

As technology is growing day by day, it is influencing everything around us. Everyday new techs keeps popping up. People are challenging the old ways of doing things and innovating whole new different ways, like the people at BMW have created the 'GINA'

Like this, the architecture firm Kierantimberlake has been rethinking of how architecture is designed and constructed that is more linked towards the contemporary material flows, design factors, fabrication technologies, and assembly processes currently used in such industries as automobile, ship, and aircraft manufacturing.