Our universe is almost 14 billions years old and it stretches billions and billions of galaxies across that's why astronomers prefer the term 'observable universe' because the observable universe consists of the galaxies and other matter that can, in principle, be observed from Earth in the present day as light (or other signals) from those objects has had time to reach the Earth since the beginning of the cosmological expansion.
The observable universe is so vast that millions of stars are born and millions of others die everyday, yet our sun has been there for about 5 billion years. The universe created us along with some of the most mysterious objects like black-holes, which defy the laws of physics as we know it. Our understanding of the universe is still incomplete. But there are some things, we have been able to uncover.
Like where did the Universe came from and what is the big bang?
Our universe was once a single point, a point which was even smaller than an atom. Scientists say that this point was infinitely dense, hot and violent, a point of pure energy. Imagine everything our universe has till today, all of the matter, all of the energy,space and time itself was once inside that small dot. Suddenly it started expanding, the 1st thing to come out was gravity, after fraction of seconds there was a huge shock wave of energy immersed from it and within a blink of an eye our universe grew larger than the size of earth, with tempretures of trillions of degrees Celsius. It was literally expanded faster than the speed of light, breaking one of most common laws of physics.
Our Universe was expanding to a factor of a millionth, a millionth, a millionth and a millionth times it's size in a span of a millionth, a millionth, a millionth and a millionth part of a second. Unbelievable isn't it? The time was moving so fast that a new unit of time was introduced to measure it. It is called the plank time.
So how tiny a plank time is ?
There is more units of plank time in one second than all the seconds since the big bang till today. 1 plank time = 10^-43 secs.
But if big bang only gave birth to gravity and energy then where did all the matter came from ?
Albert Eisenstein was the most influential physicist of the 20th century and a legend. Due to his work on the mass-energy equivalence formula ( E= mc^2 ) we are able to understand the creation of matter, when nobody even knew that something like the big bang exists. The formula explains that matter and energy are interchangeable Now we know that the pure energy from the big bang is converted into matter that we see today.
But at the earliest moments of the big bang ( in starting few plank seconds ), there were only sub atomic particles and photons everywhere, moving with incredible speeds. Due to such diverse conditions and such extreme tempretures particles are constantly appearing and disappearing inside the hot dense space. But soon when the universe started to cool down further the sub atomic particles stopped converting into energy. Now the universe moved into the most critical stage of the big bang.
Eisenstein equation gives rise to the possibility of negative energy, this leads to anti-matter. At the dawn of time when the sub atomic particles were created at the very same time anti-sub atomic particles were also created.
Anti matter is the exact same thing as matters but, with an opposite charge. So when they collide together, they annihilate each other. Well it's not just theory, this destructive event also occurred in the dawn of time.
If all the matter and the anti-matter canceled each other then where did all the matter came from that created the universe?
Well there is a glitch. In the epic battle of matter and anti matter, there was winner and it was the matter of course because for every billion particle of anti matter there was a billion and one particle of matter. Those leftover matters created everything we know today.
Till this point, our universe is only a second old.
As the universe expanded further, it cooled down and at a suitable tempreture range the sub-atomic particles fused together to form atoms. The first elements that was created was hydrogen and within the the next 3 minutes of the big bang, helium and lithium was created but, these atoms were not complete as there was no electron in them. Even at this stage the tempreture was too hot for the electrons to stabilize. it took 380 thousand years for the electrons to slow down enough and stick to the atoms. the first stars were created about 200 million years from the big bang and after a billion years the first galaxies were created. Our sun was created 5 billion years ago.
Stars are the most important piece of puzzle of our universe. As we already know stars created us and almost everything around us and a star, such as our sun is also keeping us alive. So without stars, our existence is impossible. But a star can be responsible for creation as well as destruction.
But have you ever wondered how star is created and What's keeping it alive?
Video Rights Belongs to Discovery Channel
Stars produce massive energies and light. In the early 20th century nobody knew,what was the source of power of a star. Again it was Albert Eisenstein and his equation E = mc^2 showed us the way . He suggested that stars use the energy locked up inside atoms. Now we know everything is made of energy from the very beginning, This energy can be released by smashing atoms together which is fusion.
In stars, hydrogen atoms are fused together to form helium and releases energy. Fusion at the core of the star burn 600 million tons of hydrogen to generates the power of a billion nuclear bombs every second . So why doesn't the star blows itself up with such devastating power. Because of extreme gravity, gravity is so intense in stars that it could literally crush the atoms together producing high tempretures. Gravity and nuclear forces are constantly trying to overcome each other but, it's incredible that the nuclear force balances the gravitational force for millions and billions of years till the nuclear fuel runs out. This is the secret of a star.
Light travels at 670 million miles an hour. A beam of light can travel 7 times around the earth in a second. Still it takes 8 minutes for the sunlight to reach earth. Yet there are stars so far away whose light takes millions and billions years to reach us.
Light travels in form of photons(A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation). Photons are created from the fusion process inside the core of a star. Al thought, photons have the speed of light, it takes them thousands of years to come to surface of the star because when a photon is created and it starts moving then within milliseconds it gets smashed into other particles like a proton or a neutron etc. Even they are consumed by atoms at some higher level from the core and within seconds redirected in another directions. These smashing and consuming processes continue for billions of times until the photon finally arrives at the surface of the sun. From there it's only a matter of minutes to reach earth.
But the photons are also responsible for dangerous phenomenons like solar winds. Photons heat up the surface of the sun changing the tempreture and pressure gradients in the surface producing extreme turbulence and shock waves.
The speeding gases generates massive magnetic fields and as the sun moves these fields clashes and giant magnetic loops erupt into space. when these giant loops collide with each other, they burst millions of tons of particle into space. Earth's magnetic field consume the solar radiations at poles producing one of the most amazing natural light effects, Southern and Northern Aurora. But large scale solar winds could be deadly for us.
But what happens when fuel that powers the sun runs out?
Video Rights Belongs to Discovery Channel
If a medium sized star like our sun could die such a violent death, then imagine what happens to stars much bigger than our sun.
What happens when a massive star undergoes a supernova ?
The observable universe is so vast that millions of stars are born and millions of others die everyday, yet our sun has been there for about 5 billion years. The universe created us along with some of the most mysterious objects like black-holes, which defy the laws of physics as we know it. Our understanding of the universe is still incomplete. But there are some things, we have been able to uncover.
Like where did the Universe came from and what is the big bang?
Our universe was once a single point, a point which was even smaller than an atom. Scientists say that this point was infinitely dense, hot and violent, a point of pure energy. Imagine everything our universe has till today, all of the matter, all of the energy,space and time itself was once inside that small dot. Suddenly it started expanding, the 1st thing to come out was gravity, after fraction of seconds there was a huge shock wave of energy immersed from it and within a blink of an eye our universe grew larger than the size of earth, with tempretures of trillions of degrees Celsius. It was literally expanded faster than the speed of light, breaking one of most common laws of physics.
Our Universe was expanding to a factor of a millionth, a millionth, a millionth and a millionth times it's size in a span of a millionth, a millionth, a millionth and a millionth part of a second. Unbelievable isn't it? The time was moving so fast that a new unit of time was introduced to measure it. It is called the plank time.
So how tiny a plank time is ?
There is more units of plank time in one second than all the seconds since the big bang till today. 1 plank time = 10^-43 secs.
But if big bang only gave birth to gravity and energy then where did all the matter came from ?

But at the earliest moments of the big bang ( in starting few plank seconds ), there were only sub atomic particles and photons everywhere, moving with incredible speeds. Due to such diverse conditions and such extreme tempretures particles are constantly appearing and disappearing inside the hot dense space. But soon when the universe started to cool down further the sub atomic particles stopped converting into energy. Now the universe moved into the most critical stage of the big bang.
Eisenstein equation gives rise to the possibility of negative energy, this leads to anti-matter. At the dawn of time when the sub atomic particles were created at the very same time anti-sub atomic particles were also created.
Anti matter is the exact same thing as matters but, with an opposite charge. So when they collide together, they annihilate each other. Well it's not just theory, this destructive event also occurred in the dawn of time.
If all the matter and the anti-matter canceled each other then where did all the matter came from that created the universe?
Well there is a glitch. In the epic battle of matter and anti matter, there was winner and it was the matter of course because for every billion particle of anti matter there was a billion and one particle of matter. Those leftover matters created everything we know today.
Till this point, our universe is only a second old.
As the universe expanded further, it cooled down and at a suitable tempreture range the sub-atomic particles fused together to form atoms. The first elements that was created was hydrogen and within the the next 3 minutes of the big bang, helium and lithium was created but, these atoms were not complete as there was no electron in them. Even at this stage the tempreture was too hot for the electrons to stabilize. it took 380 thousand years for the electrons to slow down enough and stick to the atoms. the first stars were created about 200 million years from the big bang and after a billion years the first galaxies were created. Our sun was created 5 billion years ago.
Stars are the most important piece of puzzle of our universe. As we already know stars created us and almost everything around us and a star, such as our sun is also keeping us alive. So without stars, our existence is impossible. But a star can be responsible for creation as well as destruction.
But have you ever wondered how star is created and What's keeping it alive?
Stars produce massive energies and light. In the early 20th century nobody knew,what was the source of power of a star. Again it was Albert Eisenstein and his equation E = mc^2 showed us the way . He suggested that stars use the energy locked up inside atoms. Now we know everything is made of energy from the very beginning, This energy can be released by smashing atoms together which is fusion.
In stars, hydrogen atoms are fused together to form helium and releases energy. Fusion at the core of the star burn 600 million tons of hydrogen to generates the power of a billion nuclear bombs every second . So why doesn't the star blows itself up with such devastating power. Because of extreme gravity, gravity is so intense in stars that it could literally crush the atoms together producing high tempretures. Gravity and nuclear forces are constantly trying to overcome each other but, it's incredible that the nuclear force balances the gravitational force for millions and billions of years till the nuclear fuel runs out. This is the secret of a star.
Light travels at 670 million miles an hour. A beam of light can travel 7 times around the earth in a second. Still it takes 8 minutes for the sunlight to reach earth. Yet there are stars so far away whose light takes millions and billions years to reach us.
Light travels in form of photons(A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation). Photons are created from the fusion process inside the core of a star. Al thought, photons have the speed of light, it takes them thousands of years to come to surface of the star because when a photon is created and it starts moving then within milliseconds it gets smashed into other particles like a proton or a neutron etc. Even they are consumed by atoms at some higher level from the core and within seconds redirected in another directions. These smashing and consuming processes continue for billions of times until the photon finally arrives at the surface of the sun. From there it's only a matter of minutes to reach earth.
But the photons are also responsible for dangerous phenomenons like solar winds. Photons heat up the surface of the sun changing the tempreture and pressure gradients in the surface producing extreme turbulence and shock waves.
The speeding gases generates massive magnetic fields and as the sun moves these fields clashes and giant magnetic loops erupt into space. when these giant loops collide with each other, they burst millions of tons of particle into space. Earth's magnetic field consume the solar radiations at poles producing one of the most amazing natural light effects, Southern and Northern Aurora. But large scale solar winds could be deadly for us.
But what happens when fuel that powers the sun runs out?
If a medium sized star like our sun could die such a violent death, then imagine what happens to stars much bigger than our sun.
What happens when a massive star undergoes a supernova ?
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